In this section, we list the available models to be fit with either mcmc or vi. To see examples on how to implement these models, please check the examples tab.
Single-dataset single-environment
— Functionfitness_normal(R̲̲::Matrix{Int64}, n̲ₜ::Vector{Int64}, n_neutral::Int, n_bc::Int; kwargs...)
Defines a model to estimate fitness effects in a competitive fitness experiment across growth-dilution cycles.
Model summary
- Prior on population mean fitness at time
sₜ ~ Normal(params=s_pop_prior)
- Prior on population log mean fitness associated error at time
logσₜ ~ Normal(params=logσ_pop_prior)
- Prior on non-neutral relative fitness for barcoe
s⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=s_bc_prior)
- Prior on non-neutral log relative fitness associated error for barcode
logσ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logσ_bc_prior)
- Prior on log Poisson distribtion parameters for barcode
at timet
logλₜ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logλ_prior)
- Probability of total number of barcodes read given the Poisson distribution parameters at time
π(nₜ | logλ̲ₜ)
nₜ ~ Poisson(∑ₘ exp(λₜ⁽ᵐ⁾))
- Barcode
frequency at timet
(deterministic relationship from the Poisson parameters)
fₜ⁽ʲ⁾ = λₜ⁽ʲ⁾ / ∑ₖ λₜ⁽ᵏ⁾
- log frequency ratio for barcode
at timet
(deterministic relationship from barcode frequencies)
logγₜ⁽ʲ⁾ = log(f₍ₜ₊₁₎⁽ʲ⁾ / fₜ⁽ʲ⁾
- Probability of number of reads at time
for all barcodes given the total number of reads and the barcode frequenciesπ(r̲ₜ | nₜ, f̲ₜ)
r̲ₜ ~ Multinomial(nₜ, f̲ₜ)
- Probability of neutral barcodes frequency ratio for barcode
at timet
π(logγₜ⁽ⁿ⁾| sₜ, σₜ)
logγₜ⁽ⁿ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = -sₜ, σ = exp(logσₜ))
- Probability of non-neutral barcodes frequency ratio for barcode
at timet
π(logγₜ⁽ᵐ⁾| s⁽ᵐ⁾, σ⁽ᵐ⁾, sₜ)
logγₜ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = s⁽ᵐ⁾ - sₜ, σ = exp(logσ⁽ᵐ⁾))
:T × B
matrix–split into a vector of vectors for computational efficiency–whereT
is the number of time points in the data set andB
is the number of barcodes. Each column represents the barcode count trajectory for a single lineage.n̲ₜ::Vector{Int64}
: Vector with the total number of barcode counts for each time point. NOTE: This vector must be equivalent to computingvec(sum(R̲̲, dims=2))
: Number of neutral lineages in dataset.n_bc::Int
: Number of mutant lineages in dataset.
Optional Keyword Arguments
s_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_pop_prior[1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness values. Iftypeof(s_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of adjacent time points in dataset.logσ_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_pop_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:σ_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness log-error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of adjacent time points in dataset.s_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness values. Iftypeof(s_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of unique environments in the dataset.logσ_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_bc_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness log-error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of unique environments in the dataset.logλ_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[3.0, 3.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logλ_prior[1]
= mean,logλ_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logλ_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logλ_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the log of the λ parameter in the Poisson distribution. The λ parameter can be interpreted as the mean number of barcode counts since we assume any barcode countn⁽ᵇ⁾ ~ Poisson(λ⁽ᵇ⁾)
. Iftypeof(λ_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of barcodes × number of time points in the dataset.
Latent Variables
- Population mean fitness per timepoint.
- Mutant fitness effects.
- λ dispersion parameters per barcode and timepoint.
- Models fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Utilizes a Poisson observation model for barcode counts.
- Setting informative priors is recommended for stable convergence.
Single-dataset multi-environment
— Functionmultienv_fitness_normal(R̲̲::Matrix{Int64}, n̲ₜ::Vector{Int64}, n_neutral::Int, n_bc::Int; kwargs...)
Defines a model to estimate fitness effects in a competitive fitness experiment with different environments across growth-dilution cycles.
Model summary
- Prior on population mean fitness at time
sₜ ~ Normal(params=s_pop_prior)
- Prior on population log mean fitness associated error at time
logσₜ ~ Normal(params=logσ_pop_prior)
- Prior on non-neutral relative fitness for barcode
in environmenti
sᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=s_bc_prior)
- Prior on non-neutral log relative fitness associated error for barcode
in environmenti
logσᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logσ_bc_prior)
- Prior on log Poisson distribtion parameters for barcode
at timet
logλₜ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logλ_prior)
- Probability of total number of barcodes read given the Poisson distribution parameters at time
π(nₜ | logλ̲ₜ)
nₜ ~ Poisson(∑ₘ exp(λₜ⁽ᵐ⁾))
- Barcode
frequency at timet
(deterministic relationship from the Poisson parameters)
fₜ⁽ʲ⁾ = λₜ⁽ʲ⁾ / ∑ₖ λₜ⁽ᵏ⁾
- log frequency ratio for barcode
at timet
(deterministic relationship from barcode frequencies)
logγₜ⁽ʲ⁾ = log(f₍ₜ₊₁₎⁽ʲ⁾ / fₜ⁽ʲ⁾
- Probability of number of reads at time
for all barcodes given the total number of reads and the barcode frequenciesπ(r̲ₜ | nₜ, f̲ₜ)
r̲ₜ ~ Multinomial(nₜ, f̲ₜ)
- Probability of neutral barcodes frequency ratio for barcode
at timet
π(logγₜ⁽ⁿ⁾| sₜ, logσₜ)
logγₜ⁽ⁿ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = -sₜ, σ = exp(logσₜ))
- Probability of non-neutral barcodes frequency ratios
π(logγₜ⁽ᵐ⁾| s⁽ᵐ⁾, logσ⁽ᵐ⁾, sₜ)
. Note: This is done grouping by corresponding environment such that if timet
is associated with environmenti
, sᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ is used as the fitness value.
logγₜ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = sᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ - sₜ, σ = exp(σ⁽ᵐ⁾))
::T × B
matrix–split into a vector of vectors for computational efficiency–whereT
is the number of time points in the data set andB
is the number of barcodes. Each column represents the barcode count trajectory for a single lineage.n̲ₜ::Vector{Int64}
: Vector with the total number of barcode counts for each time point. NOTE: This vector must be equivalent to computingvec(sum(R̲̲, dims=2))
: Number of neutral lineages in dataset.n_bc::Int
: Number of mutant lineages in dataset.
Keyword Arguments
: List of environments for each time point in dataset. NOTE: The length must be equal to that ofn̲t
to have one environment per time point.
Optional Keyword Arguments
s_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_pop_prior[1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness values. Iftypeof(s_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of adjacent time points in dataset.logσ_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_pop_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:σ_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness log-error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of adjacent time points in dataset.s_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness values. Iftypeof(s_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of unique environments in the dataset.logσ_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_bc_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness log-error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of unique environments in the dataset.logλ_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[3.0, 3.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logλ_prior[1]
= mean,logλ_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logλ_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logλ_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the log of the λ parameter in the Poisson distribution. The λ parameter can be interpreted as the mean number of barcode counts since we assume any barcode countn⁽ᵇ⁾ ~ Poisson(λ⁽ᵇ⁾)
. Iftypeof(λ_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of barcodes × number of time points in the dataset.
Latent Variables
- Population mean fitness per timepoint
- Mutant fitness effects per environment
- λ dispersion parameters per barcode and timepoint
- Models fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Utilizes a Poisson observation model for barcode counts.
- Can estimate time-varying and environment-specific fitness effects.
- Setting informative priors is recommended for stable convergence.
Single-dataset hierarchical model on genotypes
— Functiongenotype_fitness_normal(R̲̲::Vector{Matrix{Int64}}, n̲ₜ::Vector{Vector{Int64}}, n_neutral::Int, n_bc::Int; kwargs...)
Defines a hierarchical model to estimate fitness effects in a competitive fitness experiment where multiple barcodes belong to a specific "genotype." This means that different barcodes are grouped together through a fitness hyperparameter where each barcode samples from the distribution of this hyperparameter.
Model summary
- Prior on population mean fitness at time
sₜ ~ Normal(params=s_pop_prior)
- Prior on population log mean fitness associated error
logσₜ ~ Normal(params=logσ_pop_prior)
- Prior on non-neutral relative hyper-fitness for genotype
θᵢ ~ Normal(params=s_bc_prior)
- prior on non-centered samples that allow local fitness to vary in the positive and negative direction for genotype
. Note, this is a standard normal with mean zero and standard deviation one.
θ̃ᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = 0, σ = 1)
- prior on log deviations of local fitness of barcode
from hyper-fitness for genotypei
logτᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logτ_prior)
- local relative fitness for non-neutral barcode
with genotypei
(deterministic relationship from hyper-priors)
sᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ = θᵢ + θ̃ᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ * exp(logτᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾)
- Prior on non-neutral log relative fitness associated error for non-neutral barcode
with genotypei
logσᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logσ_bc_prior)
- Prior on log Poisson distribtion parameters for barcode
at timet
in replicater
logλₜᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logλ_prior)
- Probability of total number of barcodes read given the Poisson distribution parameters
π(nₜ | logλ̲ₜ)
nₜ ~ Poisson(∑ₖ exp(λₜ⁽ᵏ⁾))
- Barcode
frequency at timet
(deterministic relationship from the Poisson parameters)
fₜ⁽ʲ⁾ = λₜ⁽ʲ⁾ / ∑ₖ λₜ⁽ᵏ⁾
- log frequency ratio for barcode
at timet
(deterministic relationship from barcode frequencies)
- log frequency ratio for barcode
logγₜ⁽ʲ⁾ = log(fₜ₊₁⁽ʲ⁾ / fₜ⁽ʲ⁾
- Probability of number of reads at time
for all barcodes given the total number of reads and the barcode frequenciesπ(r̲ₜ | nₜ, f̲ₜ)
r̲ₜ ~ Multinomial(nₜ, f̲ₜ)
- Probability of neutral barcodes
frequency ratio at timet
π(logγₜ⁽ⁿ⁾| sₜ, logσₜ)
logγₜ⁽ⁿ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = -sₜ, σ = exp(logσₜ))
- Probability of non-neutral barcode
with genotypei
frequency ratio at timet
π(logγₜ⁽ᵐ⁾| sᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾, logσᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾, sₜ)
logγₜ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = sᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ - sₜ, σ = exp(logσᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾))
:: LengthR
vector wthT × B
matrices whereT
is the number of time points in the data set,B
is the number of barcodes, andR
is the number of experimental replicates. For each matrix in the vector, each column represents the barcode count trajectory for a single lineage.n̲ₜ::Vector{Vector{Int64}}
: Vector of vectors with the total number of barcode counts for each time point on each replicate. NOTE: This vector must be equivalent to computingvec.(sum.(R̲̲, dims=2))
: Number of neutral lineages in dataset.n_bc::Int
: Number of mutant lineages in dataset.
Keyword Arguments
: Vector with the list of genotypes for each non-neutral barcode.
Optional Keyword Arguments
s_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_pop_prior[1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness values. Iftypeof(s_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points in dataset.logσ_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_pop_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points × number of replicates in dataset.s_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness values. Iftypeof(s_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logσ_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_bc_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logλ_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[3.0, 3.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logλ_prior[1]
= mean,logλ_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logλ_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logλ_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the λ parameter in the Poisson distribution. The λ parameter can be interpreted as the mean number of barcode counts since we assume any barcode countn⁽ᵇ⁾ ~ Poisson(λ⁽ᵇ⁾)
. Iftypeof(logλ_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of barcodes × number of time points × number of replicates in the dataset.
Latent Variables
- Population mean fitness per timepoint.
- Genotype hyper-fitness effects.
- Non-centered samples for each of the non-neutral barcodes.
- Deviations from the hyper parameter value for each non-neutral barcode.
- λ dispersion parameters per barcode and timepoint.
- Models hyper-fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Models fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Utilizes a Poisson observation model for barcode counts.
- Setting informative priors is recommended for stable convergence.
Multi-replicate single-environment hierarchical model for experimental replicates
— Functionreplicate_fitness_normal(R̲̲::Array{Int64,3}, n̲ₜ::Matrix{Int64}, n_neutral::Int, n_bc::Int; kwargs...)
Defines a hierarchical model to estimate fitness effects in a competitive fitness experiment across growth-dilution cycles over multiple experimental replicates.
Model summary
- Prior on population mean fitness at time
in replicater
sₜᵣ ~ Normal(params=s_pop_prior)
- Prior on population log mean fitness associated error at time
in replicater
logσₜᵣ ~ Normal(params=logσ_pop_prior)
- Prior on non-neutral relative hyper-fitness for barcode
θ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=s_bc_prior)
- Prior on non-centered samples that allow local fitness to vary in the positive and negative direction for barcode
in experimental replicater
. Note, this is a standard normal with mean zero and standard deviation one.
θ̃ᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = 0, σ = 1)
- Prior on log deviations of local fitness from hyper-fitness for barcode
in replicater
logτᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logτ_prior)
- Local relative fitness for non-neutral barcode
in replicater
(deterministic relationship from hyper-priors)
sᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ = θ⁽ᵐ⁾ + θ̃ᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ * exp(logτᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾)
- Prior on non-neutral log relative fitness associated error for non-neutral barcode
in replcater
logσᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logσ_bc_prior)
- Prior on log Poisson distribtion parameters for barcode
at timet
in replicater
logλₜᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logλ_prior)
- Probability of total number of barcodes read given the Poisson distribution parameters at time
in replicater
π(nₜᵣ | logλ̲ₜᵣ)
nₜᵣ ~ Poisson(∑ₘ exp(λₜᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾))
- Barcode
frequency at timet
in replciater
(deterministic relationship from the Poisson parameters)
fₜᵣ⁽ʲ⁾ = λₜᵣ⁽ʲ⁾ / ∑ₖ λₜᵣ⁽ᵏ⁾
- Log frequency ratio for barcode
at timet
in replicater
(deterministic relationship from barcode frequencies)
logγₜᵣ⁽ʲ⁾ = log(f₍ₜ₊₁₎ᵣ⁽ʲ⁾ / fₜᵣ⁽ʲ⁾
- Probability of number of reads at time
for all barcodes in replicater
given the total number of reads and the barcode frequenciesπ(r̲ₜᵣ | nₜᵣ, f̲ₜᵣ)
r̲ₜᵣ ~ Multinomial(nₜᵣ, f̲ₜᵣ)
- Probability of neutral barcodes
frequency ratio at timet
in replicater
,π(logγₜᵣ⁽ⁿ⁾| sₜᵣ, logσₜᵣ)
logγₜᵣ⁽ⁿ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = -sₜᵣ, σ = exp(logσₜᵣ))
- Probability of non-neutral barcode
frequency ratio at timet
in replicater
π(logγₜᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾| sᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾, logσᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾, sₜᵣ)
logγₜ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = sᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ - sₜᵣ, σ = exp(logσᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾))
R̲̲::Array{Int64, 3}
::T × B × R
is the number of time points in the data set,B
is the number of barcodes, andR
is the number of experimental replicates. For each slice in theR
axis, each column represents the barcode count trajectory for a single lineage.n̲ₜ::Matrix{Int64}
: Matrix with the total number of barcode counts for each time point on each replicate. NOTE: This matrix must be equivalent to computingvec(sum(R̲̲, dims=2))
: Number of neutral lineages in dataset.n_bc::Int
: Number of mutant lineages in dataset.
Optional Keyword Arguments
s_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_pop_prior[1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness values. Iftypeof(s_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points in dataset.logσ_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_pop_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points × number of replicates in dataset.s_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness values. Iftypeof(s_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logσ_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logλ_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[3.0, 3.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logλ_prior[1]
= mean,logλ_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logλ_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logλ_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the λ parameter in the Poisson distribution. The λ parameter can be interpreted as the mean number of barcode counts since we assume any barcode countn⁽ᵇ⁾ ~ Poisson(λ⁽ᵇ⁾)
. Iftypeof(logλ_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of barcodes × number of time points × number of replicates in the dataset.
Latent Variables
- Population mean fitness per timepoint.
- Mutant hyper-fitness effects.
- Mutant fitness effects per experimental replicate.
- λ dispersion parameters per barcode and timepoint.
- Models hyper-fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Models fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Utilizes a Poisson observation model for barcode counts.
- Setting informative priors is recommended for stable convergence.
replicatefitnessnormal(R̲̲::Vector{Matrix{Int64}}, n̲ₜ::Vector{Vector{Int64}}, nneutral::Int, nbc::Int; kwargs...)
Defines a hierarchical model to estimate fitness effects in a competitive fitness experiment across growth-dilution cycles over multiple experimental replicates.
:: LengthR
vector wthT × B
matrices whereT
is the number of time points in the data set,B
is the number of barcodes, andR
is the number of experimental replicates. For each matrix in the vector, each column represents the barcode count trajectory for a single lineage.n̲ₜ::Vector{Vector{Int64}}
: Vector of vectors with the total number of barcode counts for each time point on each replicate. NOTE: This vector must be equivalent to computingvec.(sum.(R̲̲, dims=2))
: Number of neutral lineages in dataset.n_bc::Int
: Number of mutant lineages in dataset.
Optional Keyword Arguments
s_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_pop_prior[1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness values. Iftypeof(s_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points in dataset.logσ_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_pop_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points × number of replicates in dataset.s_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness values. Iftypeof(s_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logσ_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logλ_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[3.0, 3.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logλ_prior[1]
= mean,logλ_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logλ_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logλ_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the λ parameter in the Poisson distribution. The λ parameter can be interpreted as the mean number of barcode counts since we assume any barcode countn⁽ᵇ⁾ ~ Poisson(λ⁽ᵇ⁾)
. Iftypeof(logλ_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of barcodes × number of time points × number of replicates in the dataset.
Latent Variables
- Population mean fitness per timepoint.
- Mutant hyper-fitness effects.
- Mutant fitness effects per experimental replicate.
- λ dispersion parameters per barcode and timepoint.
- Models hyper-fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Models fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Utilizes a Poisson observation model for barcode counts.
- Setting informative priors is recommended for stable convergence.
Multi-replicate multi-environment hierarchical model for experimental replicates
— Functionmultienv_replicate_fitness_normal(R̲̲::Matrix{Int64}, n̲ₜ::Vector{Int64}, n_neutral::Int, n_bc::Int; kwargs...)
Defines a hierarchical model to estimate fitness effects in a competitive fitness experiment with different environments across growth-dilution cycles over multiple experimental replicates.
Model summary
- Prior on population mean fitness at time
in replicater
sₜᵣ ~ Normal(params=s_pop_prior)
- Prior on population log mean fitness associated error at time
in replicater
logσₜᵣ ~ Normal(params=logσ_pop_prior)
- Prior on non-neutral relative hyper-fitness for barcode
in environmenti
θᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=s_bc_prior)
- Prior on non-centered samples that allow local fitness to vary in the positive and negative direction for barcode
in experimental replicater
in environmenti
. Note, this is a standard normal with mean zero and standard deviation one.
θ̃ᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = 0, σ = 1)
- Prior on log deviations of local fitness from hyper-fitness for barcode
in replicater
in environmenti
logτᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logτ_prior)
- Local relative fitness for non-neutral barcode
in replicater
in environmenti
(deterministic relationship from hyper-priors)
sᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ = θᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ + θ̃ᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ * exp(logτᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾)
- Prior on non-neutral log relative fitness associated error for non-neutral barcode
in replcater
in environmenti
logσᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logσ_bc_prior)
- Prior on log Poisson distribtion parameters for barcode
at timet
in replicater
logλₜᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(params=logλ_prior)
- Probability of total number of barcodes read given the Poisson distribution parameters at time
in replicater
π(nₜᵣ | logλ̲ₜᵣ)
nₜᵣ ~ Poisson(∑ₘ exp(λₜᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾))
- Barcode
frequency at timet
in replicater
(deterministic relationship from the Poisson parameters)
fₜᵣ⁽ʲ⁾ = λₜᵣ⁽ʲ⁾ / ∑ₖ λₜᵣ⁽ᵏ⁾
- Log frequency ratio for barcode
at timet
in replicater
(deterministic relationship from barcode frequencies)
logγₜᵣ⁽ʲ⁾ = log(f₍ₜ₊₁₎ᵣ⁽ʲ⁾ / fₜᵣ⁽ʲ⁾
- Probability of number of reads at time
for all barcodes in replicater
given the total number of reads and the barcode frequenciesπ(r̲ₜᵣ | nₜᵣ, f̲ₜᵣ)
r̲ₜᵣ ~ Multinomial(nₜᵣ, f̲ₜᵣ)
- Probability of neutral barcodes
frequency ratio at timet
in replicater
,π(logγₜᵣ⁽ⁿ⁾| sₜᵣ, logσₜᵣ)
logγₜᵣ⁽ⁿ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = -sₜᵣ, σ = exp(logσₜᵣ))
- Probability of non-neutral barcodes frequency ratio for barcode
in replicater
π(logγₜᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾| sᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾, logσᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾, sₜᵣ)
. Note: This is done grouping by corresponding environment such that if timet
is associated with environmenti
, sᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ is used as the fitness value.
logγₜᵣ⁽ᵐ⁾ ~ Normal(μ = sᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾ - sₜᵣ, σ = exp(logσᵣᵢ⁽ᵐ⁾))
R̲̲::Array{Int64, 3}
::T × B × R
is the number of time points in the data set,B
is the number of barcodes, andR
is the number of experimental replicates. For each slice in theR
axis, each column represents the barcode count trajectory for a single lineage.n̲ₜ::Matrix{Int64}
: Matrix with the total number of barcode counts for each time point on each replicate. NOTE: This matrix must be equivalent to computingvec(sum(R̲̲, dims=2))
: Number of neutral lineages in dataset.n_bc::Int
: Number of mutant lineages in dataset.
Keyword Arguments
: List of environments for each time point in dataset. NOTE: The length must be equal to that of the number of rows inn̲t
to have one environment per time point.
Optional Keyword Arguments
s_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_pop_prior[1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness values. Iftypeof(s_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points in dataset.logσ_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_pop_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points × number of replicates in dataset.s_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness values. Iftypeof(s_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logσ_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_bc_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logλ_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[3.0, 3.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logλ_prior[1]
= mean,logλ_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logλ_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logλ_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the λ parameter in the Poisson distribution. The λ parameter can be interpreted as the mean number of barcode counts since we assume any barcode countn⁽ᵇ⁾ ~ Poisson(λ⁽ᵇ⁾)
. Iftypeof(logλ_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of barcodes × number of time points × number of replicates in the dataset.
Latent Variables
- Population mean fitness per timepoint.
- Mutant hyper-fitness effects per environment.
- Non-centered samples for each of the experimental replicates.
- Deviations from the hyper parameter value for each experimental replicate.
- λ dispersion parameters per barcode and timepoint.
- All barcodes must be included in all replicates.
- Models hyper-fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Models fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Utilizes a Poisson observation model for barcode counts.
- Can estimate time-varying and environment-specific fitness effects.
- Setting informative priors is recommended for stable convergence.
multienvreplicatefitnessnormal(R̲̲::Vector{Matrix{Int64}}, n̲ₜ::Vector{Vector{Int64}}, nneutral::Int, n_bc::Int; kwargs...)
Defines a hierarchical model to estimate fitness effects in a competitive fitness experiment with different environments across growth-dilution cycles over multiple experimental replicates.
:: LengthR
vector wthT × B
matrices whereT
is the number of time points in the data set,B
is the number of barcodes, andR
is the number of experimental replicates. For each matrix in the vector, each column represents the barcode count trajectory for a single lineage.n̲ₜ::Vector{Vector{Int64}}
: Vector of vectors with the total number of barcode counts for each time point on each replicate. NOTE: This vector must be equivalent to computingvec.(sum.(R̲̲, dims=2))
: Number of neutral lineages in dataset.n_bc::Int
: Number of mutant lineages in dataset.
Keyword Arguments
: LengthR
vector with the list of environments for each time point in each replicate. NOTE: The length must be equal to that of the number of rows inn̲ₜ
to have one environment per time point.
Optional Keyword Arguments
s_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_pop_prior[1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness values. Iftypeof(s_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points in dataset.logσ_pop_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_pop_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_pop_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_pop_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the population mean fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_pop_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as pairs of time adjacent time points × number of replicates in dataset.s_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 2.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:s_bc_prior[1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:s_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,s_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness values. Iftypeof(s_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logσ_bc_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logσ_bc_prior[1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logσ_bc_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logσ_bc_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the mutant fitness error utilized in the log-likelihood function. Iftypeof(logσ_bc_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as mutant lineages × number of replicates in the dataset.logλ_prior::VecOrMat{Float64}=[3.0, 3.0]
: Vector or Matrix with the corresponding parameters (Vector:logλ_prior[1]
= mean,logλ_prior[2]
= standard deviation, Matrix:logλ_prior[:, 1]
= mean,logλ_prior[:, 2]
= standard deviation) for a Normal prior on the λ parameter in the Poisson distribution. The λ parameter can be interpreted as the mean number of barcode counts since we assume any barcode countn⁽ᵇ⁾ ~ Poisson(λ⁽ᵇ⁾)
. Iftypeof(logλ_prior) <: Matrix
, there should be as many rows in the matrix as number of barcodes × number of time points × number of replicates in the dataset.
Latent Variables
- Population mean fitness per timepoint.
- Mutant hyper-fitness effects per environment.
- Non-centered samples for each of the experimental replicates.
- Deviations from the hyper parameter value for each experimental replicate.
- λ dispersion parameters per barcode and timepoint.
- All barcodes must be included in all replicates.
- All environments must appear at least once on each replicate.
- Models hyper-fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Models fitness effects as normally distributed.
- Utilizes a Poisson observation model for barcode counts.
- Can estimate time-varying and environment-specific fitness effects.
- Setting informative priors is recommended for stable convergence.